5 Inspiring Books To Read
Whadafunk is inspired by many things, books is one of them. Having a library of books to go over to and open up is a great source for inspiration. Having a variety of different books can give you unlimited inspiration for whatever itch you may need to scratch. Here are a few new books that we picked up and have been looking at.

Welome To Venice - by Ric Clayton
This book is the perfect book if you are into the punk rock culture. Ric Clayton drew up and designed a ton of flyers for the Los Angeles punk scene. Not only did he draw flyers but he drew some awesome band logos too. Going to this book and just looking at the lettering and style of the scene was a way to get inspired to keep on trying new styles of letters. Also if you love skulls, you will love this book. SO MANY SKULLS!!!

Letters To Live By - By Big Sleeps
Big Sleeps is a Los Angeles based tattoo artist who is a master at the LA lettering style. If you are into drawing letters I'd suggest picking this book up to get an idea of how others do theirs. I personally do not like to copy lettering but it is always good to have a reference book for letters to understand how each letter can work. It is nice to pick up this book, grab some ideas and create your own from that. Or just practice in general.

Brand By Hand - By Jon Contino
WOW! What a great book. If you are a graphic designer or an artist, definitely check out this book. Although I wish there were more words in this book I believe you might not even need them with the amazing images in it. Jon Contino shows us a look inside of his mind of designing by hand. I design by hand first ALWAYS with any Whadafunk that is being made so I can relate to this book on a design level completely! Definitely reccomend this book if you are into that.

House Industries - The Process Is It Inspiration
Want to know what inspired me to create "WHADAFONT" TypeFace? This book right here. This design firm does things on a whole different level. Every little detail matters and counts. Everything seems so well thought out and precise. I haven't finished this book yet but I am halfway done and it is great. Very inspiring for designers or anyone who creates anything at all. House Industries keep it clean, simple, but crazy and wild at the same time. These guys are inspiring.

No Sleep: NYC Nightlife Flyers 1988-1999: DJ Stretch Armstrong
I'm gonna start off by saying I haven't finished reading this entire book yet, I'm about halfway through but it is amazing. Learning the history about the old NYC flyers from the nightlife is awesome. I love party flyers, I believe they are a HUGE part of having a party. Without a great flyer, you can't have a great event & I truly believe that. The flyer is an amazing thing that describes a feeling of the event. Looking through all these old NYC party flyers makes me wish I was old enough to even attend them. Definitely reccomend this to anyone who is into hip hop or graphic design as well.

Welome To Venice - by Ric Clayton
This book is the perfect book if you are into the punk rock culture. Ric Clayton drew up and designed a ton of flyers for the Los Angeles punk scene. Not only did he draw flyers but he drew some awesome band logos too. Going to this book and just looking at the lettering and style of the scene was a way to get inspired to keep on trying new styles of letters. Also if you love skulls, you will love this book. SO MANY SKULLS!!!

Letters To Live By - By Big Sleeps
Big Sleeps is a Los Angeles based tattoo artist who is a master at the LA lettering style. If you are into drawing letters I'd suggest picking this book up to get an idea of how others do theirs. I personally do not like to copy lettering but it is always good to have a reference book for letters to understand how each letter can work. It is nice to pick up this book, grab some ideas and create your own from that. Or just practice in general.

Brand By Hand - By Jon Contino
WOW! What a great book. If you are a graphic designer or an artist, definitely check out this book. Although I wish there were more words in this book I believe you might not even need them with the amazing images in it. Jon Contino shows us a look inside of his mind of designing by hand. I design by hand first ALWAYS with any Whadafunk that is being made so I can relate to this book on a design level completely! Definitely reccomend this book if you are into that.

House Industries - The Process Is It Inspiration
Want to know what inspired me to create "WHADAFONT" TypeFace? This book right here. This design firm does things on a whole different level. Every little detail matters and counts. Everything seems so well thought out and precise. I haven't finished this book yet but I am halfway done and it is great. Very inspiring for designers or anyone who creates anything at all. House Industries keep it clean, simple, but crazy and wild at the same time. These guys are inspiring.

No Sleep: NYC Nightlife Flyers 1988-1999: DJ Stretch Armstrong
I'm gonna start off by saying I haven't finished reading this entire book yet, I'm about halfway through but it is amazing. Learning the history about the old NYC flyers from the nightlife is awesome. I love party flyers, I believe they are a HUGE part of having a party. Without a great flyer, you can't have a great event & I truly believe that. The flyer is an amazing thing that describes a feeling of the event. Looking through all these old NYC party flyers makes me wish I was old enough to even attend them. Definitely reccomend this to anyone who is into hip hop or graphic design as well.