Cheap Thrills Motorcycle Show & Swap Meet 2019

Cheap Thrills NJ Asbury Park 2019 - On February 2nd, 2019 we attended the Cheap Thrills Motorcycle Show & Swap Meet. We had a Whadafunk Pop Up Shop set up at the show and decided we needed to take some pictures and record a video of the event to forever remember it. It was an amazing show with tons of people and tons of vendors and parts too. We left for Asbury at about 4AM to get there early and set up just to be ready for the early risers. We met a lot of people and a ton of people went home with some new Whadafunk Clothing which we are very thankful for! Shoutout to everyone who we met or hung out with at the show! Can't wait for the next one, we will definitely be attending! Thank you to everyone who watches this video!!!