On October 19th we packed up the van & got the Whadafunk Pop Up Shop ready to bring to the Sketchy Field Day Racing event up on a farm. It was a really cool location and it was on a nice farmland where the land was flat and you can see the mountains in the back. It really was an amazing view to see! They groomed the track and tore down a nice area to race. A bunch of people came to race their dirtbikes, quads, pickup trucks, jeeps, harleys. It was a great time and definitely something different that we haven't been to before. We look forward to attending the following years to come. Shoutout to everyone who went home with some new Whadafunk from the event. It was nice to see some new faces and a new environment. After the races there were plenty of burnouts and if you watch the video til the end you can see that. Everyone partied and had a bonfire & stayed the night but we left....too cold for us. Thanks for watching!